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The richest man in the world

Imagem Padrao Dinheiro

Someone asked the richest man in the world, “Is there anyone richer than you in the world?”

He replied, “Yes, there is a person who is richer than I am.”
Then he told a story.

The Story of the Richest Man in the World

It was during the time when I was neither rich nor famous. I was at the New York airport when I saw a newspaper vendor. I wanted to buy a newspaper, and after I had already taken the newspaper in my hands, I found that I didn’t have enough money. So I put aside the idea of buying and returned the newspaper to the seller.

I said I would return it because I didn’t have enough money.
The seller said: “I’ll give it to you for free.”
At your insistence, I ended up taking the newspaper.

By coincidence, after about 3 MONTHS, I landed at the same airport and again I had no money to buy a newspaper. The seller offered me the newspaper for free again. I declined and said I couldn’t take it because again I didn’t have any money.
He said “you can take it, I’ll take it from my earnings, I won’t be losing it. So I took the newspaper.

After 19 years I became famous and known by people. I suddenly remembered this seller. I started looking for it and after approximately 1 month and a half of searching I found it.

When I met him I said to him: “I finally found you! Do you know me? What’s your name?”
He said: “Certainly, you are the richest guy in the world. I am Djalma!” .

Then I asked again: “Do you remember that one time you gave me a newspaper for free because I didn’t have the money to pay for it?”
The seller said: “Yes, I remember, I gave you a newspaper twice “.

So I said, “I want to repay the help you’ve given me these two times. Whatever you want in your life, just ask and I’ll give it to you”.

Then the seller said: “Sir, all I wanted was orange juice…”

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